What the Blog

By iTeresa


So as the title describes, this blog post is going to be a quicky. The reason being is cause it's 1 in the morning, I tore wallpaper down from the kitchen this morning, and then went to work from 4 to close. But I feel bad for not blogging again in the last 3 weeks. So much has happened, I really don't know where to start.

Kelsey's grandfather died on the 7th, a couple of days after my last post, and the recieving and burial were held a few days later, it was sad, but I fully believe he's in a much better place.

I flew to Tampa the following Saturday and celebrated Karrisa's 30th birthday with her. It was a legendary party and fantastic, we went to Kobe's japanasee steak house on V day for her "offical" b-day dinner and I got food poisoning from scallops...and had to fly sick the next day. No fun playing the I won't puke game on the airplane, needless to say, I won and did not puke on the plane.

Got home and worked closing shifts the next 9 days in a row. Helped my sis get legal again, had a semi dinner party, and here we are back to today, well tonight...anyways I will explain getting my sister legal and why in a post in a few days. So for now it's time for a xanax and I will bid you a good night.

Till next time


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Hello all and welcome to What the Blog! I am Teresa, or iTeresa, due to the many i products that I have. I blog for one reason, because something happened that I feel should be shared with the world, so go ahead, laugh, giggle, cry, &; scream at the insanity of my life, because once its all said and done...What the Blog!

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