What the Blog

By iTeresa


I officially hate my laptop and Windows Vista. Its not even 2 years old, but in the technology world its getting to be middle aged. For a year and a half its worked fine, and then the other day I try to get online and its not connecting. So I do what any normal person would do, I power cycle the cable modem, the wireless router, and the laptop and still no luck. I get online with my desktop and know that the internet is working via cable, I connect my iPhone to the Wi-Fi and thats working as well. So I start messing around with the laptop and realize that the wireless card light is orange not blue when its on, so i flip the switch to off and then back on, nothing...I shut down my laptop and restart it, nothing.....I go and dig a cat5 cable out of the closet (and am grateful I saved all those stupid little cat5 cables for this exact issue) and am able to connect via Ethernet, but still no wireless. Now that I'm online via Ethernet, I go through my systems one by one and start updating my hp devices. I try to update all my vista stuff too, there is one update that gives me an error message. It has to do with the wireless and will not update and when I try to fix the error it puts me to the device and driver page, where I cannot find my wireless device or driver.

I work for the next 3 days and don't have time to work on my laptop. Its a week later and here I am at 11:15pm on a work night trying to fix my damn laptop. So far I have learned that Vista is a piece of shit more so than I already thought and HP at this point is no better. Updating drivers has not helped. Attempting to reinstall my wireless assistant has failed. Trying to chat with an online HP representative is failing as well while I continue to see the "an agent will be with you shortly" line on the chat box.

F U HP I hate you
F U Vista I hate you too.

I will only buy Macs from now on, well once I have the money to buy another computer, I will only buy Macs. But damn you all I want my computer to work that I have, but of course it will probably cost me an arm & leg for something that according to the forums is both a vista & hardware problem.

OMG the agent just popped up, his/her name is Abhratanu.....WTF, interesting enough I have Halloween on in the background.....wish I had a chainsaw now.....

Wish me luck, more on this issue as it develops.


Yay Mac!!! Another one converted!! hehehehehe.....

Gay people don't have an agenda... it's the i people that do.

::Snicker :: Snicker::

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Hello all and welcome to What the Blog! I am Teresa, or iTeresa, due to the many i products that I have. I blog for one reason, because something happened that I feel should be shared with the world, so go ahead, laugh, giggle, cry, &; scream at the insanity of my life, because once its all said and done...What the Blog!

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