What the Blog

By iTeresa


Its raining today....and is going to rain for the next week according to the weather channel. All I want to do is curl up with my puppy and my blanket and read a book, but I have to work instead. Oh the joys of working. Our GM is leaving us, today is her last day. I wonder who is going to be the new one, not me apparently because I do not have enough retail experience, 10 years of sales, customer service, & training multiple companies don't count enough in retail. Rainy day why are you still here? I want warmth & sunshine, not chilly humid rain, and dampness that makes my head & hands hurt. Go away rainy day, bring your dreariness another way a different day.

Maybe tomorrow will be a sunshiny day, maybe the Doppler radar is wrong and it won't be rainy tomorrow, but another day far far away.....


I love the new background! :) I miss fall so much. :( I want that feeling that the girl on the background obviously has.

So peaceful and content and utterly at easy with the world that you feel drowsy...

Why don't I get that feeling anymore?

Love & miss you,


About Me

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Hello all and welcome to What the Blog! I am Teresa, or iTeresa, due to the many i products that I have. I blog for one reason, because something happened that I feel should be shared with the world, so go ahead, laugh, giggle, cry, &; scream at the insanity of my life, because once its all said and done...What the Blog!

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