What the Blog

By iTeresa

I have been thinking all day how to write this post without it sounding like some weird run on sentence. I am not the best writer out there, as you can tell from the rambling going on below this post with all my other posts, but I do attempt to get my crazy days and thoughts out to the 3 of you who follow me on this thing. Anyways, here goes....

I want to move to a new house because this one is sucking, like the thing with the landlord and the electric bill and the thing with the drunk guy downstairs in our apt the other night was not enough, it escalated again last night. But first, I need to lead up to the "incident" and let you know why yesterday turned out to be soooo out there. It began at 7:30 in the morning with Kallay waking me up to ask to use my truck because she left her car at Electric Cowboy the night before instead of driving home drunk, I of course said yes, but since I was sleeping I didn't really know what was going on. Fast forward though my slumber to 11:31am when I wake up realizing that I have to "log" into work in 29 minutes and realize - OMG MY TRUCK IS GONE....As I am flipping out trying to find my phone, it all comes back to me....Kallay has my truck cause her car is at EC. I calm down log into work and all goes well though out the day. Eight rolls around and Kallay and I head out to pick up peanut (her purple car).

On our way there we see one of those yellow emergency trucks that help you out when you break down or get a flat on the interstate on the right side of the road so I move into the second lane and am about to move into the third lane when, holy hell, I almost hit a damn fridge in the middle of the interstate and am like what the fuck, that emergency guy needs to be in the middle of the road not on the side, someone is going to hit that thing, and then as we are getting off the exit we realize huh someone did hit something, apparently the stove that goes with that fridge that is a mile up....We finally get to peanut and head over to Taco Bell cause Kallay needs grease to cure the hang over.

Dinner is of course the best you can expect from Taco Bell, and off we head to the house, when I get this phone call from Kelsey..."where are you", um I am driving down kingston pike, why? "cause some guy wrecked his car out here", what?? is he hurt?? where is he?? "in your front yard", did you call the cops?? "no", hang up with me and dial 911, im on my way home.

I pull into my space, and go around the house to see this guy standing next to his car 5 feet from the house, Kallay on the phone out front, and Kelsey & some kid talking. What the hell! I ask the guy if he is ok, he mumbles yes, I ask the kid & Kelsey what going on and I find out this guy is drunk as a skunk, flew though the stop sign almost hitting this kid, caught air, nose dived and took out the sidewalk and basically drug part of it with him through the yard before coming to a rest on the tree stump in the yard. There are no skid marks, nothing and its painfully obvious this guy doesnt want to go to jail, while we are waiting for the police he actually gets in his car and tries to move it, and it is going no where, part of his drive train are in the yard behind the car.....

Finally the cops show up (after the tow truck because kid called the tow guys, not the cops first), they question confused drunk guy, handcuff him and put him in the back of a cruiser, then they question kallay and the kid and me. The tow guys remove the car from our yard and off they go, the kid heads home, and we head upstairs. What a night.....

I think its time to move....


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Hello all and welcome to What the Blog! I am Teresa, or iTeresa, due to the many i products that I have. I blog for one reason, because something happened that I feel should be shared with the world, so go ahead, laugh, giggle, cry, &; scream at the insanity of my life, because once its all said and done...What the Blog!

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