Really, its the little things that just plain out drives me effing balistic. I really hate the bs that surrounds my everyday life. I cannot stand when I am forced in the middle of D & A fighting and then when I try to ignore, I am not there for D in A's eyes, when I try to deal with yet another of their issues, I am not respecting their privacy.
I am tired of this constant added stress. So I spoke my mind, now both D & A are mad at me, oh effing well, thats life. I am not going to be sorry for saying it how I see it, and I am not going to back down once again to appease them. Even though my mother thinks I should. Not gonna happen, no way no how.
On the bright side of things, Christmas was great, got to my moms house, to see my grandmother wearing a pair of her thongs (yes my 90 year old grandmother wears thongs...) on her head as a headband......realized it was 10:15am and poured a hefty shot of amertto into my coffee and started the day off right. We all got great gifts, and big N got some toys, but for the first time, mainly got books and non noisy items....Thank God....I am so glad he is out of the stage of loud annoying toys :)
We ate some super yummy ham, mashed potatoes, corn, potato salad (courtesy of yours truly), deviled eggs (again my secret recipe), and then chocolate pudding whip......
Headed over to K's familys house, spent a couple hours over there and then went home to relax, before I knew it Christmas was over and back to work I hiss.... I miss having time off at the holidays, I am TIRED of running around and working and running around and working and not having a REAL day off, a day of not leaving my house, of not talking to anyone, a day of not getting out of bed, just a day for me and only me.....Maybe one day, hopefully soon, I will have that day.....if not, well then theres always Tampa in Feb....I am 100% looking forward to some me and only me time. Will just keep trucking along until then....
Till next time....
1 hour ago
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