What the Blog

By iTeresa


Ya thats kind of how I feel. I know I haven't written anything in a minute, but for serious if you lived my roller coaster life of crazed you would know why. Daily I see, think, hear, things and Im all like OMG I need to blog about that....and then I get home and I think think think while my mind just goes splat and that bright shiny "thought" that would have been an AWESOME blog just won't come from me.

So I have some random thoughts that I have collected to share, just kind of all over the place types of things I notice and just want to go WHY??? shit that I just don't get and really I am analytical enough to get it.


I don't watch the news, read the newspaper, listen to the radio or anything like that, I listen to shit on itunes radio, blissfully commercial free streaming music, I watch TV that is either on a premium channel (HBO, Showtime, Starz, etc..) or I DVR it and fast forward through the nasty commercials, I work too much to read anything other than the books I am selling currently to customers, so oh well newspapers and magazines, i really dont give a flying eff about you.....And everyone I know, and I mean EVERYONE I know, knows this about me, so how come my boyfriend, my mom, and friends will continually ask me "Did you hear about.........stupid inane piece of news that is currently the "thing"....?? And my response is always the same....Nope, have no fucking clue what your talking about.

My boyfriends solution to me quitting smoking: I need to have something to put in my mouth besides a cigarette....so of course it needs to be his dick, although a hand job will suffice as well....hmmm.....I'm gonna say thats a big fat NO.....How come every man I know thinks a blow job is the cure all for everything???

Why do people talk to me when I read??? I don't get it, I am doing something I want to do, quietly....so why talk to me when I am in my happy place...just plain annoying....

How come I can try and call everyone I know through out a day, leave a gazillion messages and they all decide to call me back when I'm eating, sleeping, having sex, or am on the toilet??? Its like the physic dam opened and they all know that it will annoy the shit out of me to call at the exact same time.....

Turning signals and headlights.....maybe I'm a driving prude, but really is it sooooo hard to flip the little stick to indicate that you are going to make a turn up ahead as opposed to slamming on your brakes and slinging your piece of shit car at high speeds? Really people its something you were tested on to get your license. And whatever happened to turning on your damn headlights when it rains, or at dusk or dawn????? Let me just say you who drive those little silver cars and drive without your headlights on...You Fucking Blend In With The FUCKING ROAD....NO one can see you when your car has no lights on in the rain...again...a little switch will fix this problem....

Comcast....I still hate you.....I wish I could reason out a way to not find having cable and internet as a necessity, but unfortunately that solution has not come to me yet.....

Why does it cost 95 dollars for a contact lens eye exam, but only 65 dollars for a glasses eye exam? What do they do different when examine the shittyness of your vision that is different for glasses or contact lenses? This has puzzled me for years....

The people who come in and want to buy a book that they saw in the newspaper 2 weeks ago but cant remember the name of the book or the author or the subject....um why did you make that trip??? Just to waste some gas and kill the environment??? And why would you really think anyone of us is going to know what the hell your talking about.....cause we don't. Or the people who come in see there are a whole 2 of us working and then bitch about the lack of service....um really I have 2 arms & 2 legs like you, go eff yourself, I can only do so much at one time you stupid cow....and no I do not know every single book we have in stock with over 10 thousand titles....in the stock...jeez.....

I hate you butterfly man and chicken bot.....i wish your cartoons would be canceled.

Bella you are the cutest puppy ever! I wish you didn't have dachshund pattern baldness.....its kind of weird that you have that hairless spot on your chest....

Xanax & Klonopin, you keep the violence at bay and all the awesome peeps I work with you keep it a daily adventure.....

Thats about it for my random thoughts....till next time :)

Peace out


'I have 2 arms & 2 legs like you, go eff yourself'

Ummmm... this is my new favorite quote of all time!!!!

hahaha.....hahaha.... so funny..... tears of laughter..... I'm gonna get this tattoed.... hahahaha...............

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Hello all and welcome to What the Blog! I am Teresa, or iTeresa, due to the many i products that I have. I blog for one reason, because something happened that I feel should be shared with the world, so go ahead, laugh, giggle, cry, &; scream at the insanity of my life, because once its all said and done...What the Blog!

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