What the Blog

By iTeresa

Good morning everyone. I want you all to know that I cannot start my day without a decent cup of coffee. I wake up and I stumble around and attempt to find some flipflops to take bella outside and once we get back in the house, up all 10 million stairs, I start to brew my morning delight. I take 3 big scoops of Foldgers Gourmet Black Slik and drop it into the filter (I have one of those coffee makers with a mesh filter, so no killing of trees unneccessaliry), I fill up the pot with some water and pour it in the back and then I go and check my email & blogs while I am waiting for it to brew.

10 minutes later I have a small slice of heaven in a cup, add a little sugar & cream and I have my first cup of coffee of the day. Yes I am one of those people who will drink coffee all day long, not for the caffeine, but because I like the taste of it. As I was sitting here drinking my first cup today and smoking a cigarette, I decided to share with you all, how much I love my morning coffee.

Have a great sunday funday :)


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Hello all and welcome to What the Blog! I am Teresa, or iTeresa, due to the many i products that I have. I blog for one reason, because something happened that I feel should be shared with the world, so go ahead, laugh, giggle, cry, &; scream at the insanity of my life, because once its all said and done...What the Blog!

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